Website's Live!

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Author: LVX

This website’s creation was long. Since 2023, I was heavily interested in technology and programming among professional demotivation of another area I deal with. In vacancy time - and also at hours in which I should be doing something else -, I made the first draft of Since then, I added functions, read SEO recommendation and tried to let as much as I could automatically managed in order to reduce my work in advance. Now, in 2024, I can share it.

Above all, I wanted to create this project with the purpose of learning and sharing what I learn.

Why Jekyll?

First, one has to think: do I want to monthly spend with a server, make a site with backend and multiple dynamic functions, or let it all with the basic HTML, have a free hosting service and spend only with domain acquisition? Considering the informative nature of this project, the choice was clear. So I opted for a static website, with the lowest possible load of requisitions and file transfer size.

There are many static website generators, such as jekyll, Hugo, Zola. The choice fot the first is due for the facts that I was unfamiliar with the others at the time, it seemed popular and had many years of development. In retrospect, at this time, i would choose it again. Its functions are very useful with proper filters and from the liquid template-language.

How This Website is Made

Over time, I developed a flow in which, nowadays, it is enough for me to create a directory for posts and define some parameters in the frontmatter (yml format). Further associations for the HTML’s head (<head>), image optimizations, related posts, all are done automatically, in such a way that it now makes me possible to focus on the publicized content.

Everything was thought for the highest possible optimization (except in having many images for various screen dimensions, which would generate many files and more easily would go over the server’s limit for number of nodes), the lowest load for the user and the server, the lowest file size and with null usage or, when necessary, minimal of javascript in each page.

This post’s intention is not to detail the meanders of each developed functions, but announce this new website and rapidly repass over utilized tools. Possibly, when this website is more mature, the source code will be posted on Github, moment in which a new post will be made explaining each mechanism present.

Future Plans

Now that the structure is ready, many ideas for publications are triggered to be written, as books are, whose availability - at least for some of them -, will also be through the form of web pages.

Directories:   posts/ announcements/

Tags: #tech #website #programming #jekyll

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